
Approaching Venture Capital with Intention w/ Seth Levine of Foundry

On this week’s pod ep I sit down for a chat with Seth Levine, Partner of Foundry. Seth has played a significant role in shaping the venture ecosystem over the past two decades and is known for his work in accelerating the democratization of innovation outside of Silicon Valley.

We cover a range of topics but do a double click on the importance of having a clear intention and plan for the future of a venture firm, which includes the need for VCs to adopt a business-building mindset. We agree that venture capital firms need to be better at running their own businesses and making strategic decisions for the long term, especially if the goal is to have the firm outlive its founders.

Seth is amazing and shares valuable insights into the dynamics of the venture capital industry and the efforts to advance society through entrepreneurship, a topic he covers in his book The New Builders. We chat about that book, plus the  new one he’s currently working on (which I can’t wait to read).

Overall, this was a great chat. Big thanks to Seth for coming on the pod!


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Innovation with Mark Peter Davis
Through fireside chats with entrepreneurs, industry leading executives, and creative minded business folk, we highlight the society altering transformations that are happening all around us while providing crucial entrepreneurial advice.

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Mark Davis